Magelang Hotels: Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

October 18, 2013

Review dalam Bahasa Indonesia | Review in English

Hotel di Magelang, Indonesia

Simak daftar penginapan atau hotel murah di Magelang, ulasan hotel-hotel mewah di Magelang, juga beberapa hal tentang resort dan villa di Magelang pada sejumlah halaman di web ini.

Web ini memuat ulasan resort, villa, penginapan atau hotel murah di Magelang dengan sistem pemesanan kamar hotel atau booking online. Meliputi promo potongan harga hotel mewah di Magelang dan informasi harga kamar penginapan murah di Magelang. Serta beragam fasilitas hotel bintang 2 dan suguhan layanan berkelas bagi tamu bisnis, honeymoon, liburan atau wisata di Magelang.

Review tentang Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur merupakan sebuah hotel bintang 2 di Magelang. Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur beralamat di Tingal, Wanurejo, Borobudur, Magelang, Indonesia. Berdasarkan ulasan dari 220 pengunjung, Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur telah meraih nilai 8.0 (dari 10).

Tips menemukan hotel bagus di Magelang
TIPS #1 Ketika memilih hotel, cermati hal berikut: detail lokasi hotel, ketersediaan fasilitas hotel, harga hotel dan budget anda, review hotel dari pengunjung serta rekomendasi hotel dari rekan dan kerabat.

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Peta Lokasi Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, Magelang

Peta lokasi Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur

Deskripsi tentang Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, Magelang, Indonesia

Tips mencari penginapan bagus di Magelang
TIPS #2 Temukan lebih cepat alternatif hotel di Magelang selain Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur menggunakan fungsi pencarian yang tersedia dengan frasa: resort di Magelang, hotel di Magelang atau lebih spesifik hotel bintang 2 di Magelang.

Sebagai salah satu pilihan hotel bintang 2 di Magelang, di Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, sebanyak 15 kamar tersedia dalam 3 tipe kamar yang didesain untuk menciptakan suasana nyaman. Aneka pilihan tipe kamar di Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: studio pemandangan taman, villa, suite royal.

Sejumlah fasilitas Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur berupa layanan kamar, layanan penatu atau dobi, restoran, sewa sepeda, tur dan wisata, wifi di tempat umum, layanan pijat, taman, akses wifi gratis, tempat parkir mobil selalu siap menemani dan memanjakan anda sebagai tamu.

Tips bagi pasangan honeymoon di Magelang
TIPS #3 Kenyamanan anda dan pasangan saat honeymoon di Magelang adalah yang utama. Maka tak ada salahnya memutuskan menginap di hotel terbaik dari sejumlah pilihan hotel mewah di Magelang.

Foto Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, Magelang, Indonesia

Foto Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, Magelang, Indonesia

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Terletak strategis di Borobudur, Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur adalah tempat ideal untuk memulai eksplorasi di Magelang. Pusat kota terletak hanya 20. Km dari sini dan bandara dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 60 menit.

Dengan lokasinya yang strategis, hotel ini menawarkan akses mudah ke destinasi yang wajib dilihat di kota ini. Di Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, pelayanan cemerlang dan fasilitas yang bagus akan membuat penginapan Anda tak terlupakan. Hotel ini menyediakan sewa sepeda, tempat parkir mobil, layanan kamar, tur, restoran untuk menjamin kenyamanan terbaik bagi para tamu kami.

Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur memiliki 15 kamar tidur yang semuanya dirancang dengan citarasa tinggi untuk menyediakan kenyamanan seperti air botol gratis, shower, ruangan bebas rokok, pengering rambut, internet (wireless). Sepanjang hari Anda dapat menikmati atmosfir santai dari taman, pijat. Fasilitas super dan lokasi yang cemerlang menjadikan Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur tempat yang sempurna untuk menikmati penginapan Anda selama di Magelang.

Tips booking online hotel di Magelang
TIPS #4 Hal penting sebelum booking hotel: lihat kembali galeri foto Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, perhatikan juga review Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur dari tamu dan pengunjung lain. Jangan ragu untuk mengunjungi pranala luar terkait. Untuk tamu liburan, perhatikan pula lokasi tempat-tempat wisata di Magelang.

Untuk memperoleh penawaran harga terbaik hari ini, segera Cek Harga dan Ketersediaan Kamar Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur sekarang. Semoga perjalanan anda untuk keperluan bisnis, liburan bersama keluarga, honeymoon di Magelang dengan pasangan atau wisata di Magelang menjadi perjalanan yang indah tak terlupakan.


Magelang Hotels, Indonesia

Find list of hostels or Magelang cheap hotels, reviews of Magelang luxury hotels, also related things to Magelang resorts and villas on several pages on this web.

This web contains information and valuable reviews of resorts, villas, hostels or cheap hotels in Magelang that has online reservation system or online booking facility. Includes discounted rates on Magelang luxury hotels and room rates on Magelang hostels or cheap hotels. As well as the range uniqueness of hotel services or hotel amenities provided by the villas, resorts or luxury hotels in Magelang for business guests, leisure guests, also guests who want to honeymoon in Magelang.

Review of Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia

Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur is one of the 2 star hotels in Magelang. Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur located on Tingal, Wanurejo, Borobudur, Magelang, Indonesia. Based on 220 visitors review, Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur has obtained a rating of 8.0 (out of 10).

Tips on choosing Magelang good hotels
TIPS #1 When choosing a hotel, please have a look at the following checklist: hotel location details, availability of basic amenities, hotel rates and available budget, visitor reviews of the hotel also recommendations from friends and relatives.

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Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, Magelang Location Map

Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur Location Map

Brief description of Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, Magelang, Indonesia

Tips for searching hotels in Magelang
TIPS #2 Looking for Magelang hotels alternative in addition to Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur? Use the search function to find it faster with this phrase: Magelang resorts, Magelang hotels or more specific 2 star hotels in Magelang.

As one of the 2 star hotels in Magelang, at the Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, total of 15 rooms are available in 3 types of rooms designed to create a comfortable atmosphere and help you have a great night rest. The sorts of Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur room types are as follows: studio garden view, junior villa, royal villa.

Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur facilities including bicycle rental, laundry and dry cleaning, restaurant, room service, tours, wifi in public areas, garden, massage, free wifi access, car park are offered to accessible and pampering their lovely guests.

Tips on honeymoon in Magelang
TIPS #3 Comfort and convenience are the experiences should be your primary concern when honeymoon in Magelang. So it is recommended to stay at the best hotel from a selection of luxury hotels in Magelang.

Photo of Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, Magelang, Indonesia

Photo of Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, Magelang, Indonesia

Photo of Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur, Magelang, Indonesia

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For travelers who want to take in the sights and sounds of Magelang, Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur is the perfect choice. From here, guests can enjoy easy access to all that the lively city has to offer. With its convenient location, the hotel offers easy access to the city's must-see destinations.

Offering hotel guests superior services and a broad range of amenities, Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur is committed to ensuring that your stay is as comfortable as possible. The hotel offers access to a vast array of services, including bicycle rental, restaurant, Wi-Fi in public areas, tours, room service. The hotel features 15 beautifully appointed guest rooms, each including complimentary bottled water, internet access '€“ wireless, internet access '€“ wireless (complimentary), television LCD/plasma screen, hair dryer.

The hotel offers wonderful recreational facilities such as massage, garden to make your stay truly unforgettable. Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur is a smart choice for travelers to Magelang, offering a relaxed and hassle-free stay every time.

Tips to book online hotels in Magelang
TIPS #4 Before you book online, have a look on Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur photos album, read carefully on every single Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur reviews written by guests and another visitors. Whenever available, please feel free to visit links related on Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur photos and reviews. For leisure guests, note the location of tourist attractions in Magelang.

To get todays best deals, please Check Rates and Room Availability of Rumah Boedi Private Residence Borobudur now. Wish you have a successful business trip, wonderful vacation journey and memorable honeymoon in Magelang.

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